Second Life News January 7, 2024 by

++ kuromori ++ slot machine eyes slapper @ EUPHORIA

++ kuromori ++ slot machine eyes slapper @ EUPHORIA

Pomme Pancake / KUROMORI has added a photo to the pool:

++ kuromori ++ slot machine eyes slapper @ EUPHORIA

++ kuromori ++ slot machine eyes slapper


A unique slapper toy which reacts to popular gestures used for slapping/punching other avatars (in the most endearing way possible). When slapped, your eyes become slot/fruit machine reels and slow down, finally landing on a particular icon. If the person who slapped you gets two icons of the same type, they win! Two dollars signifies a major win, whilst any other pair are a minor one. Upon winning, the results are announced into local chat.

The odds for each win are as follows given there are 9 permuations for each reel:
* Minor – 1/9
* Major – 1/81

Works well with commonly distributed slap gestures that use channel 69 and "slapLeft" / "slapRight". Works nicely in tandem with the ONI LAB slap system.


There are multiple options to configure your product, which can all be done in the notecard inside the inventory of the product.

SOUND_SLOTS_START, SOUND_SLOTS_END, SOUND_WIN_MAJOR, SOUND_WIN_MINOR – All of these sounds can be configured by overriding the default Sound UUID.

SOUND_VOLUME – Determines how loud the sounds play (Default is 0.5 aka 50%)

ANIMATIONS_ENABLE – Whether animations should be enabled (dizzy effect). 1 for ON and 0 for OFF.

PRIZES_ENABLE – Whether prizes are given out upon win condition. You can add prizes to the inventory of the product to be chosen randomly upon a win. The prizes need to be transfer and you must have at least one object inside the inventory for this option to work. 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. Only Objects are supported (i.e. sounds and animations won’t work).

MONEY_ENABLE – Whether L$ should be given to the winner. Please note that enabling this option will request debit permissions, these are required for this option to work. 1 for ON and 0 for OFF.

MONEY_AMOUNT_MAJOR – How many L$ should be given upon major win. Default L$20.

MONEY_AMOUNT_MINOR – How many L$ should be given upon major win. Default L$1.

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