Second Life News October 5, 2022 by

Adora-tions – Putting Kink in Kinky69

Adora-tions - Putting Kink in Kinky69

Adora Evergarden has added a photo to the pool:

Adora-tions - Putting Kink in Kinky69

With a combination of love, hard work and inspiration from both Daddy and my brother Sterling, I’m happy to bring you two new releases this week! All The Cocks was an idea proposed by two very important people to me and I thought it would be perfect to fit the theme of my favorite month of the year! Daddy’s Cumcake also joins this round after a long time friend promptly chirped in when I asked if anyone had any requests. So here you go Lova! (Psst, she’s doing a Fallout roleplay sim. You can check it out here when it opens on October 15th)

Sale begins Friday at 3pm SLT.

!MP Links!
All the Cocks
Daddy’s Cumcake

Taxi: Adora-tions Ink Studio Inworld!

In-world prices are reduced compared to marketplace. You will also receive accumulating store credit for in-world purchases.

All tattoos are created by Princess Evergarden but any questions or concerns should be directed to Cole Evergarden.

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