Second Life News November 24, 2023 by

[QE] Black Friday Poster

[QE] Black Friday Poster

Her Royal HIGHness.. Queen Emmikins has added a photo to the pool:

[QE] Black Friday Poster

It’s time again for half off @ the mainstore and the annual [QE] Black Friday Bday Hunt o/

– Sale runs now thru Dec 6th
– Hunt runs Nov 25th thru Dec 9th

I should have the hunt up and running by noon tomorrow and will post the hunt key here, on facebook and in the mainstore.

As with most stores that have Caspervend, you pay the vendor the full price and it will pay you half back. I know this is an inconvenience but so is me running around for hours marking every vendor down individually and then having to do it all over again in reverse at the end.. so this is what ya get ?

BUT.. if you are really strapped for cash and just have to have a certain item you can message me.. Emms Sygall.. and I will sell it to you directly for the 1/2 off sale price ?

Happy Sale Shopping..

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