unitedcolorsofsl has added a photo to the pool:
For the first time, United Colors is joining The Arcade Gacha Events for December with a special original mesh set of items!
The "Candy" set, named after the FIRST Miss United Colors 2021, Miss Candynette Metaluna!
This set of items is sure to please everyone that collects them! 5 elegant colors and pieces that can be both delicate and dangerous when worn or not worn in many situations! The typical details are in each piece, from the stitching to the silk.
Ladies, if you have Legacy, Legacy Perky, Maitreya or Maitreya Petite mesh bodies, you are in luck with these special originals.
Of course, there are 2 rare items in the mix, the corset and the collar, but don’t worry, all the items are a great addition to your wardrobe! Let the holiday season start at The Arcade Gacha Events on December 1 with United Colors!