.:Tm:.Creation "The Daisies Stump" Garden Arrangement GM66
.:Tm:.Creation has added a photo to the pool:
Garden arrangement with rocks, daisies, stump, flowering bushes, butterflies (with motion), particles effect (on/off by touch owner)
LI: 10
Approx. sizes m.3.5 wide x 2.8 deep
– Optional PBR version included: you can see the PBR material only with a PBR compatible viewer, if you don’t use the PBR viewer you will see the Legacy (classic materials) texture.
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
@Enchantment Presents Talez (Open August 9th 12 PM SLT to Sept. 1st, 2024)