Second Life News June 16, 2024 by

The Design Firm Collection – ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

The Design Firm Collection - ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

The Design Firm Collection has added a photo to the pool:

The Design Firm Collection - ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

WOW. Can you believe The Design Firm Collection has been open for 365 days?! Rooky & I are shocked and delighted at how quickly our little brand has grown.

Over the last year we have released 200+ individual items, spanning small releases of just one or two rugs, to entire collections containing numerous pieces. We’ve learned so much about Second Life and creating for our fellow residents, Blender, Substance Painter, Animations, etc. We are so excited to take these learnings and apply them to all of the creations that we have in store for you in the second half of 2024 and early 2025!

As a thank you to all of our clients who have joined our inworld group & supported our brand over the last year, we will be gifting you with 1000L$ in store credit. To obtain the store credit, visit our showroom and click the easel in the main entrance. Ensure you are wearing your The Design Firm Collection group tag, as this gift is only available to group members. The store credit will be available to collect up until June 23rd, 2023 at 11:59PM SLT.

Thank you again for supporting myself, Rooky & the brand that we have created together and poured our heart and souls into, The Design Firm Collection <3

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