{Soleil et Lune} – Ariella Mer Tail @ Mainstore
{Soleil et Lune} has added a photo to the pool:
Another thing for Kupra bodies; but this time, a mermaid tail!
I had noticed there was a lack of mermaid tails (or just fantasy in general tbh). So I made one! :D!
This is Kupra only for now, but this is a BoM tail. I have included 16 ‘appliers’, a base texture for your own textures mod (instructions included!), and a alpha mask.
There is a tail with a priority 2 animation that moves ONLY the tail, but I heavily encourage finding a tail bone-based AO. I recommend The Cove’s AO tail! I use it myself for the tail and it is a lovely AO.
But I also included a tail with no animation built in.
Have Fun! <3