RAM.SALON – Better Kimmy Hair Styles @FaMESHed
Katarina Monk / RAMA has added a photo to the pool:
Hi Dolls, I made a new hair for the FaMESHed Anniversary Event. Many people asked me to make new alpha hair look like my old Kimmy Hair 🙂 inspired by Kim Kardashian Style, but you already, I guess understood it lol 🙂
L*ike and Co*mment this photo, follow me on flickr, write below your in-world name and I will choose 3 WI*NNERS!
LAST 5 more COMMENTS to receive HAIR as a GIFT in 30 hours.
Try your Luck!
There are two packs available: Natural and Colors. Each have 100 colors, there is also a Styler Hud.
A new sizing system is now available in 3 sizes for Lelutka Evo, Catwa Pro and Genus. There are also 4 sizes for the chest: Petite, Medium, Plus Size and Kupra.
Available for purchase:
1. Naturals pack HUD includes:
Hair in all available sizes
5 packs 20 colors each (Blondes, Brunettes,
Grayscale, Gingers, Natural Ombre)
Button Settings includes:
Color Tint Picker
Materials option on/off (5 materials to choose)
Full Bright on/off
Glow on/off
Accessories Recolors at Settings Tab (if includes in hairstyle)
2. Colors pack HUD includes:
Hair in all available sizes
5 packs 20 colors each (Pastels, Colors, Neons,
Color Ombre, Magic Ombre)
Button Settings includes:
Color Tint Picker
Materials option on/off (5 materials to choose)
Full Bright on/off
Glow on/off
Accessories Recolors at Settings Tab (if includes in hairstyle)
3. Sold separately Hair Styler HUD.
Animations On/Off
Pose avatar Play/Stop
4. EXCLUSIVE Pack includes:
Hair in all available sizes
Naturals and Colors pack HUDs
Hair Styler HUD
Alternative demo location (MAINSTORE)
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Flickr group: Add here photos in RAMA stuff
Marketplace: Check it!
Enjoy, Guys ❤
Photo made by Faullon.