KARMAZZ Shield Tattoos Set – 3 Shades – BOM
KARMAZZ STORE has added a photo to the pool:
◆ Available at Mainstore & Marketplace ◆
📌 Landmark: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Haven/46/126/2002
🔹Marketplace: marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KARMAZZ-Shield-Tattoos-Set-3…
◈ Separated Tattoos included [Each Shades & Each Tattoos]
◈ 3 Shades [Reg – Fresh – Faded]
◈ 30 Layers included
◈ Bom Only
◈ Shown & made with Legacy Athletic Body
◈ Compatible with all body with bom system – Just some of this tattoos fits for others body, not all the tattoos.
◈ Result may depend of your Shape
◈ Body Hair & other items not included – Just Tattoos
Extra item: Asymmetric Tattoos HUD included
◈Note: This hud exclusive compatible for Legacy Body.
Asymmetrical tattoo means that you will be able to use the tattoo only one side of the arm [only left or only right], is your choice.
This option is only available with the FULL Set version of the tattoos.
◈ Separated tattoos included only BOM LAYERS.
◈ All items are Copy // Modify // No transfer
◈ Contact inworld if you have any problems or concerns, I will help, do not hesitate to talk to me for some other reason, or if a product has problems. Send me a notecard @khyaz vile