FOXCITY. Photo Booth – Sinking Sands
Satomi Masukami has added a photo to the pool:
Sinking Sands is coming to Uber tomorrow ✨
The backdrop comes with a 360 desert surround in two styles, please touch to access the menu. Additional, but optional, blowing sand fx in two tones included as well. The mirrors have a reflective effect for immersion. We’ve included an EEP to get you started, but remember if you’re experimenting, the "reflectiveness effect" highly depends on your windlights/EEPs sky, therefore if it is too bright, or unusual, please try adjusting your sun settings or try a different EEP 🙂
With this release we’ll also be bringing back our 9th blogger challenge. I truly hope it’ll inspire you to create ♥
Paste this directly into your viewer’s address bar for a quick taxi –>>