Everlasting Light @ Uber
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This beautiful festive round of Uber, I am so excited to present to you to a new collection the Everlasting Light to celebrate Hannukah and Christmas that this year are at the same time Christmas Day and first candle of Hannukah.
May these holidays will bring all everywhere the mark for better, calmer peaceful times ahead.
The Everlasting Light collection is a porcelain in traditional blue and white drawings and is available in both PBR and Legacy textures. It includes the following:
❄ Menorah with flams/without flames, light candle by candle to bring the Hannukah evenings inworld.
❄ Dreidels with the traditional letters.
❄ Wreath with lovely holies
❄ Christmas Tree with a classic look
❄ Christmas Bubbles to add more to the holiday spirit with beautiful winter patterns
❄ Gift box with a beautiful pattern and a sweet ribbon of blue.
❄ Fireplace that brings this collection together and it is fitting with any room with beautiful classical tiles.
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Full view of all the items in this collection can be found on Oh Deer’s facebook
or Oh Deer’s Primfeed