enLight KYA @ The Arcade
Alea Lamont – enLight ♥ has added a photo to the pool:
Brand NEW enLight KYA Evox Skins
created for all EVOX bento heads
EXCLUSIVE @ The Arcade
Sept. 15th – Oct. 15th
only 75L each
get 24 skin options
get 3 shape options
Plus one RARE option
find matching body skins + more amazing skins
@ enLight Main shop
to use the vendor – you need to grab a HUD @ the entrance of The Arcade and follow instructions!
enLight KYA 4-nude +Dimples skin
enLight KYA shape (Lel Kaya)
enLight Zora eyes
Lelutka Kaya head
Rama Salon hair (edited)
enLight KYA 5-satin skin
enLight KYA shape (Lel Avalon)
enLight Yan eyes
Lelutka Avalon head
Truth Hair (edited)
enLight KYA 6-lama skin
enLight KYA shape (Lel Raven)
enLight Yan eyes
Lelutka Raven head
Doux Hair (edited)